I Dig This!

I am delighted with Government proposals that will allow Councils to ‘charge’ utility companies for digging up the roads at peak periods.

Under the proposals, utility companies would be charged for ‘renting’ the road while they carry out work, with higher charges at peak periods.    Any revenue raised from the lane rental charges would be used by councils to fund measures which could help to reduce future road works disruption.

Over the last nine months, we have seen major traffic disruption throughout many parts of Wirral as the various utility companies dig up the roads.    As well as causing delays to drivers, it is also expensive.    Here in Moreton we have seen the damage caused to trade in local shops along Hoylake Road and anything we can do to avoid this is good news.

 Transport Secretary Philip Hammond said “Everyone knows how frustrating it can be when you are sat in a traffic jam, unable to get to work or drop off the children at school because someone is digging up the road.    This disruption is expensive as well as inconvenient, with one estimate valuing the loss to the economy from road works congestion at £4bn a year.    We simply cannot afford this.   “That is why I am putting forward proposals which would incentivise utility companies and local authorities to carry out their works at times when they will cause the minimum disruption to the travelling public.”

Gritting Update in Wirral

I have just received this update regarding gritting in Wirral from the Mark Camborne The Council’s Health, Safety & Resilience Operations Manager:

Road Network – gritted primary and secondary routes yesterday afternoon.       Inspectors have been out assessing the network from 5.00AM this morning.      Intention is to undertake a full grit again late this afternoon.     There are some limited gangs of operatives out clearing footpaths in same priority as early in the week – Health facilities, transport hubs and retail outlets.     We are also looking to do some pavements around schools for the expected return on Monday.

All Our Yesterdays!

At lunch time today, along with my colleague, Cllr Ian Lewis I attended a TUC fringe meeting ‘Transport in The Cities’, at Jury’s Inn Liverpool hosted by PTEG.  (Passenger Transpor Executives).  The speakers included, Jack Dromey Deputy General Secretary Unite (he is perhaps better known for being the hubby of Harriett Harman MP) Mike Jeram, Unison, Stephen Joseph, Campaign for Better Transport, and Neil Scales, Chair of PTEG and also Director General and Chief Executive of Merseytravel.

The speakers, and the subsequent question and answer session was ‘Interesting’ however I felt that the ‘Union’ big wigs were living in yesteryear, and could not or would not recognise current financial conditions.   I was also amazed by the sweeping statement of Jack Dromey, when he said ‘Deregulation’ of bus services was the worst thing that could of ever happened.   If that is the case, why has his beloved Labour Government not reversed the legislation in the last 12 years they have been in power?   Come on guys it’s 2009, time to wake up and smell the coffee, and feel the cuts!

Happy 40th Anniversary

PJN-MOSI-Sign-766151Yesterday, along with Ian Lewis, and colleagues from the Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority (MITA), I attended a reception to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Passenger Transport Executives, (PTE’s).  The reception was held in Manchester, at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI).   I have to say that the venue was stunning and is clearly well worth a visit if you are ever in the Manchester area.  A goodnight was ended with a beer or two with colleagues and others.

Happy 5th Birthday Merseyrail

Last night, at the invitation of Merseyrail Electrics, and in my role as Chairman of Merseytravels Rail Service Committee, myself, my wife Sandra, along with Cllr Ian Lewis and his guest Cllr Leah Fraser, I attended Merseyrails 5th Birthday celebrations at Chester Golf Club.    It was a really good night and was very well attended, with a tremendous barbecue (a vegetarians nightmare) and some really nice wine.   

I was lucky enough to win a prize in the raffle, two tickets for Evertons game next week, unfortunately I will be on holiday so I have given the tickets to that great ex Everton Player, Dave Hickson he has said he will find a good home for them with some of the youngsters he works with.     Pictured here l to r:  Me, Marg Hickson, Dave Hickson, Leah Fraser, Ian Lewis

The evening was a tremendous success, my thanks to Merseyrail, who have turned what was once known as Misery Rail, into one of the best performing railways in the world, I am sure that the future will bring more success.