Happy 5th Birthday Merseyrail

Last night, at the invitation of Merseyrail Electrics, and in my role as Chairman of Merseytravels Rail Service Committee, myself, my wife Sandra, along with Cllr Ian Lewis and his guest Cllr Leah Fraser, I attended Merseyrails 5th Birthday celebrations at Chester Golf Club.    It was a really good night and was very well attended, with a tremendous barbecue (a vegetarians nightmare) and some really nice wine.   

I was lucky enough to win a prize in the raffle, two tickets for Evertons game next week, unfortunately I will be on holiday so I have given the tickets to that great ex Everton Player, Dave Hickson he has said he will find a good home for them with some of the youngsters he works with.     Pictured here l to r:  Me, Marg Hickson, Dave Hickson, Leah Fraser, Ian Lewis

The evening was a tremendous success, my thanks to Merseyrail, who have turned what was once known as Misery Rail, into one of the best performing railways in the world, I am sure that the future will bring more success.      

£78.371 Million

Yeh an awful lot of money, but that I am told is the current debt on the Mersey Tunnels.    Now if Merseytravel had not spent wasted £70 million on the failed tram scheme it could have made huge inroads into the the existing debt!   Enough said!

Pictured left (l to r) my colleagues Cllr Chris Blakeley, Cllr Leah Fraser with a wallasey resident protesing on the day the tolls were raised