The Beginning of the End

Earlier today, along with my colleagues Cllr Steve Williams and Cllr Simon Mountney I went along to the Valentines Day Community event which I organised with Wirral Partnership Homes (WPH).

The event was to celebrate the start of the long awaited demolition and redevelopment of the eyesore shops and maisonettes on Town Meadow Lane.          I have been campaigning for this day for 12 years and it was a very proud moment for me to see that campaign, with the total support of the local community, come to fruition.

It was a great couple of hours with music by Seven Waves Radio, fish and chips supplied by Sid from the Town Meadow Supper Bar, Cakes supplied by Debbie the Hairdresser and soft drinks supplied by Bhullars General Store, there was a bouncey castle, face painting, ballons and much much more.

I was absolutely delighted to be asked to perform the official ceremony, and instead of turning the first sod, I ‘Cut the Cake’ with WPH Chief Exec Brian Simpson.    The cake, baked and decorated by Debbie was designed to look like a replica of the development, really clever.

Well over 200 local residents, adults and children came along to celebrate the end of a long campaign.    Wates the developer is on site to start work in earnest on Monday 20th Feb and the whole project to demolish the site, provide three new shops and 24 new dwellings is expected to take around 18 months to complete.

Huge thank you’s to Sid, Debbie, Mr Bhullar, Seven Waves Radio, officers and the Board of WPH and most of all to the community who have been with me every step of the way.   Today is a testament to your perseverence, and together we have made this possible.

Great NEWS – Join Me on Valentines Day for a Community Celebration!

Readers of the blog and the wider community will be aware of my 12 year campaign to get the eyesore, that is the derelict shops and maisonettes on Town Meadow Lane redeveloped.       

 Today it was confirmed to me that Wirral Partnership Homes who I have been working with over the last 12 months on the proposal to demolish the flats and maisonettes and build three new shops and 24 new homes  have signed contracts with Wates Construction who will be doing the work and it is expected that they will start on site on the 20th February.  This  really is a great start to 2012!

Before the work starts I want to invite all the local residents to a community celebration event on the 14th February (Valentines Day).   The event will take place at the front of the shops starting at 11:30am and running until 1:30pm, there will be hot snacks, cakes and soft drinks and hopefully a real party atmosphere, so please come along and join with me celebratring this long-overdue development that will bring three new shops and 24 homes to the site, a massive £3 million pound investment in our town.

a bit of background:   In the early 2000’s the Council always favoured Birkenhead for investment, ignoring Moreton, the only scheme they tried to hoodwink us was the one for troubled youngsters, that was roundy defeated by the people of Moreton.   Then of course in 2005 the Council transferred the stock to Wirral Partnership Homes and of course their priority weas to bring the housing stock up to decent home standard and they had no money for building new homes.   We continued to bid for funds from all the Housing agencies, sadly the Council continued to ignore Moreton and favour, Birkenhead and Tranmere, even now the latest £2.7 million given by the Government is being spent in Birkenhead.      Without the investment of £3 million by WPH this eyesore would remain.

Called into Review!

I have been notified that Merseyside Police has called into review the premise licence for the Lifestyle and Convenience Store, 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 7TB.  (known locally as Bhullars General Store).

I have not seen the report, however I have been informed by a licensing officer that the review has been asked for because the store has been caught seeling alcohol to under aged people and the sale of counterfeit alcohol 

The Notice is below:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Merseyside Police have applied to Wirral Borough Council to review a Premises Licence in respect of the premises known as Lifestyle and Convenience Store, 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 7TB. 



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Merseyside Police have applied to Wirral Borough Council to review a Premises Licence in respect of the premises known as Lifestyle and Convenience Store, 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 7TB. 

The grounds for review are in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm.  

Any person wishing to make representation in respect of the above may do so by writing to the Licensing Authority, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey CH44 8ED. 

The closing date for representations is 27 December 2011 

A copy of the application for the review of the above licence is kept by the Licensing Authority, Town Hall,Brighton Street,Wallasey CH44 8ED.  The application can be viewed Monday and Tuesday 9.00am to 5.00pm, Wednesday 10.00am to 5.00pm and Thursday and Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm, except bank holidays. 

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application.  The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale.    Date this 29 day of November 2011

Town Meadow Lane Shops and Maisonettes – Planning Application Submitted

Following the Wirral Partnership Homes Open Day on 2nd June a planning application for new shop units, 20 houses and 4 Bungalows has been submitted.   You can see the application by clicking HERE

I am delighted that finally, after 11 years of campaigning to get rid of this blot on the landscape, there is light at the end of a very dark tunnel.       The existing shopkeepers are delighted to be getting new premises and the provision of 24 new homes is much needed in Moreton.

Whilst I recognise that some people do have concerns I think this is a great scheme and one that should have local residents and our full support.      

If you wish to comment on the application you can do so by contacting the Council’s Planning Officer, Joanne Storey ensuring you quote application number:   11/00727, closing date for comments is 22nd July, 2011.    Alternatively you can write to her:  Technical Services Department, Cheshire Lines Building, Canning Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH44 1ND, or via email:  or you can comment on line by going to:


Yesterday between 1pm and 7pm I was outside the shops on Town Meadow Lane, when I attended the Wirral Partnership Homes (WPH) Open Day, where local residents could look at the plans for the redevelopment and regeneration of the derelict Shops and Maisonettes.    As well as the architect being present there were also representatives of WPH who where taking on board peoples comments, mostly very positive, but with a few negative.

I was extremeley pleased with the amount of people who came along, all of whom were delighted that after so many years of neglect the site was going to be given a major redevelopment with all the existing properties being demolished and replaced with new shop units and 24 family dwellings, made up of:  3 x 2bed bungalows, 1 x 4 bed bungalow, 2 x 2 bed houses, 16 x 3 bed houses and 2 x 4 bed houses, all the properties will be for renatl and will be provided as social housing by WPH.   You can see the proposals by clicking HERE

Next step is for WPH to submit a planning application, I am told that will happen next week, if approved WPH hope to start work on site later this year and will first demolish part of the site to build the new shop units, it is hoped that they will be ready for occupation sometime in spring/early summer, and once the existing traders have moved to their new premises the rest of the site can be demolished and work started on the houses with an anticipated completion date of the project se sometime Autumn/Winter 2013.      It has been a long hard struggle to get this far, and there are still a couple of hurdles to overcome, but at last we have more than a glimpse of light at what has been a very dark tunnel

Massive Opposition to Vodafones Appeal

Readers of the blog and the wider Moreton community will be aware of the appeal made by Vodafone for a telephone mast, cabinet and ancillary equipment on Town Meadow Lane (near the the Linear Park Childrens Play Area).    The application was originally refused by Wirral’s Planners back in April and Vodafone left it until two days before the expiry before they appealed.    

Since then I am aware that many local residents have sent in letters objecting, and thanks to John and Julie (two residents who live close by) a huge petition of over 450 signatures has been collected and submitted to the planning inspectorate.      Its not too late to object, but be quick, you have until the 8th December to get your objection to the Inspector, and don’t forget it has to be in triplicate.    For more information click HERE

Vodafone Submit Appeal

We have learned this evening that Vodafone has submitted an appeal against the Councils decision to refuse planning permission for a telephone mast, cabinet and ancillary equipment close to the Linear Park Play Area.   The appeal was submitted just two days before the deadline!

I have already submitted my objection and would would urge local residents to do the same by writing in triplicate to: The Planning Inspectorate at 3/18A Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.   In order to be considered, all letters of objection must be received by the Inspectorate by the 8th December, 2010.   Make sure you quote – Application reference: ANT/10/00325, DETR Appeal reference: APP/W4325/A/10/2139115/NWF.

Don’t forget all letters of objection must be sent to the Inspector in triplicate.

More Road Safety Measures!

Following on from securing some road safety initiatives in Millhouse Lane, we have now arranged for the Council to spend a further £7,500 in Town Meadow Lane on a scheme to provide bollards to stop vehicles overriding the grass verges to the front of the flats (opposite the junction with Wastdale Drive) and to provide a vehicle activate speed (VAS) sign close to that bend.

Yesterday I and my colleague Cllr Steve Williams met with the Council’s Traffic Manager, Joe smith in Town Meadow Lane to look at the best location for the VAS and it was decided that it could be placed on the footway adjacent to the carriageway close to the shops, at this location the sign would warn people of the hazard created by the bend.      It is anticipated that the scheme will be implemented in late October/early November.

Town Meadow Lane

Over a number of years we have been contacted many times by people who are concerned over traffic speeds in Town Meadow Lane and we have repeatedly asked Highways Engineers to do what they can to raise awareness with drivers.   This is a busy feeder route, but drivers forget that it also quite a densely populated residential area.    I am delighted to say that following a meeting yesterday the Council has agreed to look for an appropriate location to install a speed activated warning device on Town Meadow Lane.   

The other regular complaint we get is about vehicles parking on the grass verge outside the flats close to the junction with Wastdale Drive.   The Engineers have tried various methods of stopping this practice, however all to no avail, so finally they have agreed to install bollards at this location which will physically stop drivers overriding the verge.   A couple of great results.

I also managed to get some cash from the Council to have bicycle racks installed close to the shops on Saughall Massie Road, and in Chadwick Street……………………………..