Proposed Fire Station -Traffic Survey Results: 222,855 vehicles in two weeks, top speed over 81mph!

Thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign to save the Green Belt and fight the plan for a Fire Station at Saughall Massie.  Thank you, also, to those residents who donated towards the cost of a traffic survey – following the Town Hall’s refusal to pay for one.

The survey results confirmed just how busy Saughall Massie Road really is, and more importantly just how fast traffic travels in both directions.  With the level of speed and volume of traffic revealed by this independent survey, we are amazed that a serious accident has not already occurred.  We hope the results will strengthen our case that this planning application should be refused.

Volume of traffic: The survey showed that, over two weeks, 222,855 vehicles used the road. While this was mainly cars, there were also 8,386 goods vehicles and buses.

Traffic speeds:  This information demonstrated that the speed of traffic in both directions needs addressing. Average speeds of 39.7mph eastbound and 40.5mph westbound are revealed – 10mph above the speed limit.  The fastest recorded speeds registered were between 81 and 120mph.

The Council Officer who provided me with the data was clearly concerned as he said in his covering email: “I will ensure this information is passed onto Merseyside Police for enforcement consideration”. 

The full results can be seen on HERE alternatively if you would like a paper copy please let me, Bruce or Steve know and we will arrange for one to be sent to you.

A Victory for Common Sense!


Following a huge campaign, led my mums, dads, grandparents and Caz Howarth, lollipop lady at Christchurch Primary School, fully supported by me and my colleagues Cllr Bruce Berry and Cllr Steve Williams (pictured above with Caz) the Council decided not to Axe the crossing patrol on the very busy Upton Road.

The Labour led Council earmarked this school crossing patrol, along with 47 others across the Borough as part of its penny pinching budget savings plan, despite having £108 million in reserves in the bank.   The proposal caused a massive outcry with people coming together telling the Council individually as well as over 500 people signing a petition calling on the Council to drop its crazy plan that would put children’s lives at risk.

We are delighted that the Council has listened and dropped their plans at this location.

We would like to put on record our thanks to all the parents, children and teachers who decided that they would send a message to the Toen Hall.   Thus is a victory for people power and common sense.




More Road Safety Measures!

Following on from securing some road safety initiatives in Millhouse Lane, we have now arranged for the Council to spend a further £7,500 in Town Meadow Lane on a scheme to provide bollards to stop vehicles overriding the grass verges to the front of the flats (opposite the junction with Wastdale Drive) and to provide a vehicle activate speed (VAS) sign close to that bend.

Yesterday I and my colleague Cllr Steve Williams met with the Council’s Traffic Manager, Joe smith in Town Meadow Lane to look at the best location for the VAS and it was decided that it could be placed on the footway adjacent to the carriageway close to the shops, at this location the sign would warn people of the hazard created by the bend.      It is anticipated that the scheme will be implemented in late October/early November.

Out and About

This morning I met up with Cllr Steve Williams, Cllr Denis Knowles, Leah Fraser, and Karen (Steves wife, who was behind the lens) to deliver a letter across the Millhouse Estate informing people of the outcome of the public meeting and what action the Council’s Highways Engineers would be taking to try to slow traffic and improve road safety in the area.      The weather was lovely, and with five of us it only took us just over an hour to deliver 700 letters.    Thanks to Denis and Leah for coming over to help the Moreton Team.

Millhouse Lane Road Safety Update

Earlier this evening, along with colleagues, Cllr Steve Williams and Cllr Simon Mountney we attended the follow up public meeting to discuss road safety issues, and particularly speeding traffic in Millhouse Lane.

The meeting was arranged to hear the results of the Councils investigations following a meeting in May.     David Rees, the Council’s Group Leader for Road Safety explained to those present the results of the two traffic surveys, and the investigations surrounding the two accidents to the house in Tanworth Grove at the junction with Millhouse Lane.

It was interesting to note that whilst traffic movement in Millhouse Lane has increased by 4.5% since the last survey in 2003, traffic speeds have reduced from an average of 35mph to 32,6mph, with an overall reduction of traffic travelling above 30mph from 48% down to 23.7%,  a step in the right direction.   

In order to try to reduce traffic speed even further, and improve road safety the Council will be installing ‘Centre Line’ markings from the Millhouse Pub to Tanworth Grove, providing ‘Slow Signage’ on the carriageway and junction markings on some of the side roads.   You can see the plans by clicking HERE.    Engineers have also promised to review the situation in about 12 months.       Me, Steve and Simon will also look to provide a ‘Vehicle Activated Speed Device’ next year with funds from are Area Forum’s Integrated Transport Block.    

Our thanks go to all those residents who signed the petition, those who attended the two public meetings and those who wrote, emailed and telephoned us with their views.      This is a real example of a community coming together to deal with an issue that affects them all.

Milhouse Pub, Millhouse Lane, Tonight 6:30pm

Just a short reminder that there is a public meeting tonight at the Millhouse Pub, starting at 6:30pm to discuss road safety and traffic speeds in Millhouse Lane.   I and my colleagues, Cllr Steve Williams and Cllr Simon Mountney will be there, along with a representative from Merseyside Police, and the Councils Road Safety Manager, David Rees.    If you have any concerns about road safety in this area then please come along.  We hope to see many people there tonight.

Town Meadow Lane

Over a number of years we have been contacted many times by people who are concerned over traffic speeds in Town Meadow Lane and we have repeatedly asked Highways Engineers to do what they can to raise awareness with drivers.   This is a busy feeder route, but drivers forget that it also quite a densely populated residential area.    I am delighted to say that following a meeting yesterday the Council has agreed to look for an appropriate location to install a speed activated warning device on Town Meadow Lane.   

The other regular complaint we get is about vehicles parking on the grass verge outside the flats close to the junction with Wastdale Drive.   The Engineers have tried various methods of stopping this practice, however all to no avail, so finally they have agreed to install bollards at this location which will physically stop drivers overriding the verge.   A couple of great results.

I also managed to get some cash from the Council to have bicycle racks installed close to the shops on Saughall Massie Road, and in Chadwick Street……………………………..

Millhouse Lane Road Safety – Public Meeting on 17th August

Following our last public meeting about road safety in Millhouse Lane in May, the Council’s Highways Department has carried out their investigations, which included two electronic traffic surveys, and they are now in a position to report back their findings.

We have therefore arranged for another public meeting to take place on Tuesday 17th August, commencing at 6:30pm in the Millhouse Public House.

The first electronic traffic survey, with the counters located between Town Meadow Lane and Tanworth Grove (close to the bend) show that almost 11,000 vehicles per week travel in Millhouse Lane at this location with almost 1,600 travelling above 30mph (17.3%).     The second electronic traffic survey carried out close to Rosewood Drive shows that at this point almost 29,000 vehicles a week passing this point, with almost 7,000 travelling at speeds greater than 30mph (23.8%).      You can read a summary of those surveys by clicking HERE 

Whilst these figures show a welcome reduction in speeding traffic from the survey carried out in 2003, we believe that the Council still need to take action to try to reduce speeding traffic even further.    We hope to see as many local residents as possible at the meeting!

New Labour Activist Congratulates Conservatives!

Earlier this evening I facilitated a meeting for local residents who live on and around Millhouse Lane with Council Officers and the local police.   The meeting was arranged as a result of road safety concerns following the second accident when a car ran into a house causing extensive damage.

The meeting was attended by about 50 people and started off with a Labour activist trying to politicise a non political meeting, he was soon put in his place, and at the end of the meeting shook my hand and said we were doing a great job.   Seems he and his wife appear in one of Angela’s New Labour leaflets, but secretly support the tories, oh dear!

Anyway the meeting was very positive with Council Officers taking on board all the concerns of residents, and promising to look at what can be done in the short-term whilst they carry out traffic surveys.     There will be a further meeting in a couple of months when Council Officers will report back.     Thanks to Phil the boss of the Millhouse for letting us use the pub, to the Council Officers,  David and  Chris, and to Gemma and Laura from Merseyside Police, but the biggest thanks go to the residents who turned up and showed just what  a community coming together can achieve.