Great News – Free Swimming to Stay in Wirral

After much scaremongering by Wirral’s Labour group, telling people that free swimming was under threat, the ruling Conservative led administration has recommended that free swimming be kept in Wirral.    Read what the Wirral Globe says by clicking HERE

Dont forget it was only a short time ago that New Labour wanted to close three swimming pools in Wirral as part of their totally discredited Strategic Assett Review.      Somebody best throw them a lifejacket!

Operation ‘Spring A Leek’

crime-guideThis morning I was out with Leah Fraser, Denis Knowles and the Action Team delivering Community Newsline and Leahs Crime Guide.      Between us in really good weather, warm and sunny, we covered an area from Limekiln Lane and the length of Poulton Road and all roads off, well over 1500 leaflets.    Loads of people stopped to chat and all of them were thankful to us for keeping in touch, seems they never hear from the New Labour Councillors!    They also thanked us for opposing the closure of Libraries, Swimming Pools and Leisure Centres, something that (despite what some would have you believe) was not supported by the Seacombe Labour Councillors.    Anyway that price will be paid in full in May 2010.

Council Tonight

Tonight I attended full Council, sadly despite calls for his resignation, along with that of his Cabinet, the Labour Leader survived our Notice of Motion, which was defeated by Labour and Lib Dems joining forces.   No surprises there then.    Happily our Notice of Motion opposing landfill at Carr Lane in Moreton received unanimous support, hopefully, Merseyside Environmental Services Agency (MEAS) will get the message and remove the site from it’s preferred options report.  Watch this space……….

Shame or No Shame?

I was astounded to read a press release from Wirral Council announcing virtues of youngsters using Wirral’s Libraries through a reading challenge with a quote from the Cabinet Member, Cllr Bob Moon.       You can read the full press release by clicking here.

Now don’t misunderstand me, I think this is a great idea and we, the Conservative Group in Wirral want people to have the availability of 24 Libraries all the time. thats why we have totally opposed the strategic Asset Review and the proposal to close 11 of the 24 libraries.

Is this really the same Bob Moon, part of the unholy Labour Lib Dem alliance who is a leading supporter of the administrations plans to close 11 of those 24 Library’s he is challenging the children to use?       Is there no shame?

Library Inquiry Closes

Sadly I could not attend the Inquiry this morning at the Floral Pavilion, because I was Chairing a Wirral MAP meeting at the Lauries Centre in Birkenhead.    As soon as that finished I hotfooted it across to the Floral to meet with my colleagues and in time to catch Alan Stennard being grilled by Sue Charteris and Annabel from the DCMS.   From all accounts, and from the part I witnessed, Alan Stennard was not given an easy ride!    It’s clear from proceedings yesterday and this morning that the Council’s case for Library closures has totally collapsed.

After lunch the QC representing the Council (rumoured to be on £15,000) summed up for the Council.  When he finished he was asked by Sue Charteris to elaborate on an early point he made in his submission, he could not remember what it was he said and Annabel from the DCMS had to prompt him, I ask you?    That in itself is bad enough but the QC then goes on to say thank you, that is an important point I was making!    So important he could not remember it until prompted?   He is clearly real value for money!   

Anyway we await the draft report and recommendations from Sue Charteris,and we are told we can expect a decision by the end of July.      If justice is to be done, the Library’s earmarked for closure will be spared, and this Labour Lib Dem Cabinet disgraced by its actions.      Read a resume of this mornings proceedings by clicking here 

It really is time for change at Wirral Council!

Wirral Library Inquiry!

newbrightonI have spent the morning at the Floral Pavillion in New Brighton at the Inquiry that is looking into the closure programme of 11 Library’s proposed by the Labour and Lib Dem alliance.      

Although the Cabinet made the decision to close the Library’s sadly they are not present at the Inquiry to defend that decision, instead they have hidden behind tasked Council Officers, and I am told a very expensive QC,  (It is rumoured that his charge is £15,000, but that has not been confirmed).  One thing for certain is that QC’s do not come cheap!   Anyway in my opinion I am delighted to say that this morning he has been pretty good value for money…………….   for the protestors that is.  

Sue Charteris,  Chairman of the Inquiry set the scene and the procedure to be followed, and made it clear what would, and what would not be acceptable.      She then invited Alan Stennard, the Councils Director of Regeneration to put the Council’s case, he was then followed by a series of speakers, all opposed to the closure of Wirral’s Library’s

The first speaker was the Conservative Group Leader, Cllr Jeff Green, then Dr Keith Bartlett for the MLA, Bob McKee for CILIP,  Diane Kelly and Jane Edwards for Unison, Hoylake Councillor, John Hale, then Stephen Hesford MP, Alec McFadden, Dr Jane Davis from the Reader Organisation, Professor Robert Lee, an oral statement from Tim Coates, Cllr Phil Gilchrist and Lewis McDonald.    

It’s fair to say ALL the speakers knocked huge holes in the Councils proposals and Sue Charteris must have been really impressed, I certainly was, with the research, preparation and delivery of the vast majority of speakers, all of whom received very warm rounds of applause from the gathered crowd.

Sadly I could not stay for for the afternoon session, however I am sure the evidence, and reasons not to close the Library’s will continue to be overwhelming and I am confident that Sue Charteris will take all of that into account when she is preparing her report.  The Inquiry is due to conclude tomorrow lunchtime.     You can follow a live blog of events being operated by the Wirral News by clicking here

Have YOUR Say

If you’re free for two hours tomorrow (Thursday evening) and can get to the Floral Pavilion, come down to the ‘public meeting’ over the cuts to libraries, leisure centres, community centres and theatres/museums.    The meeting starts at 7pm and is due to end at 9pm.    This is your opportunity to tell the Labour Leader and his Lib Dem cronies what he can do with his ‘CUTS’

You can also:

  1. Join the protest march at Seacombe Ferry (to the Town Hall) on January 15 at 4.30pm
  2. Email with your support
  3. Attend the Cabinet meeting at 6pm at Wallasey Town Hall on January 15
  4. Join the Facebook Group ‘Save our Services’