‘U Turn’ Number 3!

Last night Wirral’s ruling Labour Led, and Lib Dem Cabinet met to determine Wirral Council’s budget for the next 12 months.      I understand they have set a budget that will increase council tax by 1.67% and have built into the base budget for future years a sum that will keep Guinea Gaps bath open.

After the humiliating ‘U Turns’ on the Libraries issue, closely followed by another ‘U’ Turn’ on the Academy issue, it appears that Steve Foulkes and is cabinet disciples have no shame, and have ‘U Turned’ yet again on Guinea Gap baths.    I am of course delighted that this much used, much needed and well love facility will remain, as will the libraries, and they like Guinea Gap will remain because of the tremendous pressure put on by local residents and the Conservatives.

However one has to ask,  why did the Council Leader embark on his Strategic Asset Review, why did he want to close our libraries, swimming pools and leisure centres, he told us then it was because Wirral was in dire financial straights, yet now, he says that Wirral is in a good financial position?     Anyone would think an election was due!   Surely Cllr Foulkes would not be that cynical………… Would he?

I Oppose the Cuts!

Over the last day or two I have received lots of emails form individuals and groups who, like me are outraged at the savage cuts being proposed by the ruling Labour and Liberal Democrat Cabinet.    I have responded to all of them, and my position is clear I WILL BE OPPOSING THESE CUTS.  We simply cannot allow cuts such as these to frontline services, closure of library’s, leisure centres and other community facilities.

Tonight the Cabinet meet to discuss these proposals, I would urge as many individuals and groups to attend Cabinet tonight at Wallasey Town Hall and make their views known.  The meeting starts at 6pm and is ope to the public.    You may also wish to contact the Cabinet members who will be making the decision, so I have provided below links to them.  If you click on each link you can get all their contact details.

·        Councillor Steve Foulkes  (Chair) 

·        Councillor Simon Holbrook  (Vice-Chair) 

·        Councillor George Davies   

·        Councillor Phil Davies   

·        Councillor Gill Gardiner   

·        Councillor Stuart Kelly   

·        Councillor Moira McLaughlin   

·        Councillor Bob Moon   

·        Councillor Jean Quinn   

·        Councillor Jean Stapleton   

Wirral To Put up the ‘For Sale Boards?’

for_sale_sign_11Wirral’s ruling Labour and Lib Dem Cabinet will be considering a report on THursday this week, which if they approve will start the process for closing many of the Council’s buildings across the Borough.  The closures include 10 library’s, Leisure Centres, Pacific Road Arts Theatre, Wirral Museum at Birkenhead Town Hall and the Bus and Tram museum in Birkenhead.    Whilst the Council promises re-provision in a different format, there is no doubt that the closure of many of the facilities across the Borough will have a direct effect on thousands of people.     You can read the full report by clicking here and the appendix which outlines the closures by clicking here